That's Peachy!
Beautiful peach roses and spray roses are the star of the show within this pretty bouquet, complimented with an accent of dark plum astrantia, deep pink clematis and lots of lovely textural foliage. This bouquet has it all going on!!
The image shows the bouquet in a Large size, it is also available in medium and extra special.
The bouquet is hand tied and wrapped in beautiful packaging, the flowers are in water and will be placed in a gift box/bag.
Please note it may be necessary for us to substitute something in the bouquet and therefore may vary from the image but will always be of a similar style and colour. Our Florist will select the flowers from our daily delivery for your order ensuring the recipient receives a beautiful fresh bunch.
This item is available for delivery (£5) within a 10 miles radius of Hartley Wintney.
Or you can pick-up from my studio in the heart of Hartley Wintney. On receipt of your order I will contact you to arrange a convenient time to collect.
Studio 2, The Green, Hartley Wintney, RG27 8QB
Beautiful peach roses and spray roses are the star of the show within this pretty bouquet, complimented with an accent of dark plum astrantia, deep pink clematis and lots of lovely textural foliage. This bouquet has it all going on!!
The image shows the bouquet in a Large size, it is also available in medium and extra special.
The bouquet is hand tied and wrapped in beautiful packaging, the flowers are in water and will be placed in a gift box/bag.
Please note it may be necessary for us to substitute something in the bouquet and therefore may vary from the image but will always be of a similar style and colour. Our Florist will select the flowers from our daily delivery for your order ensuring the recipient receives a beautiful fresh bunch.
This item is available for delivery (£5) within a 10 miles radius of Hartley Wintney.
Or you can pick-up from my studio in the heart of Hartley Wintney. On receipt of your order I will contact you to arrange a convenient time to collect.
Studio 2, The Green, Hartley Wintney, RG27 8QB
Beautiful peach roses and spray roses are the star of the show within this pretty bouquet, complimented with an accent of dark plum astrantia, deep pink clematis and lots of lovely textural foliage. This bouquet has it all going on!!
The image shows the bouquet in a Large size, it is also available in medium and extra special.
The bouquet is hand tied and wrapped in beautiful packaging, the flowers are in water and will be placed in a gift box/bag.
Please note it may be necessary for us to substitute something in the bouquet and therefore may vary from the image but will always be of a similar style and colour. Our Florist will select the flowers from our daily delivery for your order ensuring the recipient receives a beautiful fresh bunch.
This item is available for delivery (£5) within a 10 miles radius of Hartley Wintney.
Or you can pick-up from my studio in the heart of Hartley Wintney. On receipt of your order I will contact you to arrange a convenient time to collect.
Studio 2, The Green, Hartley Wintney, RG27 8QB